b2b - Business to Ballarat is Commerce Ballarat's local media campaign aimed at encouraging local spending and has a strong focus on the business to business dollar.
Commerce Ballarat b2b Gold Sponsors encourage you to support local business now more than ever. Ballarat, it’s been a challenging few years for our business community. Things are looking up, but it will be a long road back. So take a few minutes and see if there is a local business can support. Because when you SPEND and SHOP in Ballarat, you help protect and save local jobs. Think b2b and protect Ballarat businesses.
Commerce Ballarat thanks our Gold sponsors Simplex Insurance Solutions, Sovereign Press, Mercedes-Benz Ballarat, Central Victorian Investments, BGT Jobs + Training Ballarat and Ballarat Removals + Storage.
When you support local business you’re supporting your neighbours, your friends and our community.
Take some time to explore what’s out there and show them your support.
2025 Sponsorship Opportunities Now Available
For more information contact info@commerceballarat.com.au
b2b Gold Sponsors
Kay Jackson “Keeping business local is vital to ensuring our region’s continued growth. Not only does our community benefit financially through more jobs & greater expenditure to support local businesses, the non financial benefits are also of extreme value as we further develop a community that is in it for the long haul and who wishes to actively support and give back to those we live amongst." | .png) Brad Wootton: "The flow on from b2b is so important to our family business and the growth of the City of Ballarat. Money spent locally retains jobs and allows local businesses to grow within our great city." |
Brendan Gillett: "Central Victorian Investments have been a local business servicing Ballarat clients for over 25 years. We always aim to keep our own spending local and encourage other businesses to do the same. If we all support each other in business, we will all prosper. In fact our company statement reads: Locals Investing in Locals." | Justin Mitchell: "Ballarat is a bustling and vibrant city with a real sense of community. Our city offers security, employment and a quality lifestyle for singles, couples and families alike. For these great opportunities to continue we all must maintain a focus on doing our business in Ballarat as it is an investment in all of our futures." |
(1).png) Graham McMahon: "BGT Jobs + Training has been a part of the Ballarat community since 1986. We are 100% Ballarat based, and it is at the heart of our philosophy to buy and support local at every opportunity. Local businesses trust BGT as a reputable not-for-profit, known for delivering quality employment opportunities and training outcomes. BGT is proud to support Commerce Ballarat in the b2b campaign. We encourage you and your organisation to support local Ballarat business wherever possible." |  Rob Croucher: "Ballarat Removals & Storage has been servicing the Ballarat community for over 50 years. As the population of the city continues to increase, supporting other local businesses is key to maintain our sense of community and enhance our local economic prosperity. We are proud to support this initiative." |
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